Monday 27 October 2014

New English Workshop Tool Chest Course

So for those of you who have already booked and those thinking about it, here is what you will be making.

This one is in olive ash with a piston fit tray and soft close lid. Apart from dovetailing (lots of it!) the techniques used include use of the shooting board (again lots!) as well as hinge fitting.

The chisel storage is a tray within a tray which can be angled towards you or........

....removed completely if that's all that's needed.

Here's the discreet finger recess, now who says woodworking isn't sexy?!
An article on the making of this chest, with all the dimensions etc will be published in the Feb 2015 issue (out in Jan) of Furniture and Cabinet Making Magazine.
If you are thinking of booking the course, I know July seems a long way away, it's filling up fast so don't leave it too long!


  1. Hi David,
    Sexy looking chest indeed!!
    I can't see how to book on the July course, the West Dean College website only shows up to March 2015 (unless I am missing something?)

    1. Hi John, I'm sorry I need to update my website! If you google New English Workshop you will find the site and can book with them. It is not connected to West Dean. All the best, David.

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