Sunday 23 June 2019

Lots of Nice Planes for Sale on E Bay!

I'm selling some of my collection, this is just a few of the planes I've got for sale on E Bay at the moment. Most are 99p start and I post worldwide.

Monday 17 June 2019

Angled Dovetail Box

Kevin from New York sent me these pictures of a nice little box he made for his very grateful wife.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Brusso Hinges

I used these Brusso stop hinges on the brown oak chest, these are expensive but I've always found them to be very good. Not this pair, so much for 'precision hardware'!
You can clearly see the difference in widths of the two leaves at one end. Once I had carefully sanded both leaves flush and even, I could use a marking gauge to fit the long sides. This ensures a perfectly flush fit between the lid and the rear. Of course I also had to sand down the other hinge to match, a lot of work.